Thursday, December 30, 2010

Apparently, Regular is NOT a word that my body understands...

Well as you know, we have been ttc the good old fashion way since the end of November. Well af was due on Dec. 18 but she never showed. DH and I couldn't stand it anymore so I took a pregnancy test on Christmas Eve. And NO we didn't get the Christmas present that we REALLY wanted. It was negative. Af still hadn't showed up, which did not surprise me at all. But this week I have been spotting a little. Not sure what is going on. Who knows with my crazy body. I will spot one day and nothing the next. This has been going on for 5 days now. So, I've come to the conclusion that my body doesn't know what the definition to REGULAR is. I had to laugh at DH though. I told him the other day that i thought af was coming and he said "It shows up just out of nowhere?". Lol.....yep hun. That is the story of my life. Never know when or where so you have to always be prepared! Haha!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One year ago today......

***originally blogged on 12/14/2010***

Well, one year ago today was one of the happiest days of our lives. On December 14, 2009 we found out that we were pregnant with our sweet little "angel" baby. Although our miracle baby didn't get to stay here on earth with us long, there wasn't anybody that could have loved that baby more than my husband and I. If you want to read my blog about when we got "THE NEWS" then just click HERE. To finish reading how I told DH just click HERE. Those next few weeks was filled with doctor visits and emotional highs and lows. It was the hardest thing that has ever happened to us but we wouldn't have made it to today without the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father.

Although things didn't go the way we wanted and our little baby is now taking care of us from heaven, he or she still impacted us in a way I can't even begin to explain. It's hard to believe that it has been a whole year since that day. Still today i don't know what God's plan is for us or even if children are in HIS plan, but I know that HE knows what is best for us and i trust him completely. We will get to meet you one day "little one"! Until then, the heavenly father is holding you close in his arms away from ALL harm.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another great week....

This weeks weigh in I lost 4.2 lbs!!!!! Yay a total of 9.2 lbs in 2 weeks! Excited is an understatement! Now only 30 more to go. Haha! At this rate I should reach my goal by the end of January and we can start ttc again in February!!!! Yay! This is not something my doctor told us we had to do, it is just something that I think may help out a little. So I might end up giving in and start ttc again mid-January! Who knows!

On another note, Christmas is right around the corner! And as far as Christmas shopping, I am WAY behind. I have only bought 2 gifts and I have a lot more to buy. I guess i need to get busy. I'm not the type that likes to give money or gift cards so I guess I make it a little hard on myself by having to come up with gifts. But, in the end it is fun to see how well you know some people.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not much going on......

Nothing is happening here. We are still on our break from ttc and I am actually enjoying it a little bit. It's good to not have to worry about shots, cycle days, blood work, ultrasounds, follicles, iui's or even 2 week waits. Wow, there really is a lot of time put into infertility and ttc.
On a good note, I weighed in at Bariatric yesterday and in 1 week I have lost 5 POUNDS!!!! YAY!!!!! I'm so excited! This just makes us a little closer to getting back on the ttc train again!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Loving my new camera....

Here are a few pics from our trip to Tannehill. We had so much fun and enjoyed our time alone together!
I just LOVE when the leaves begin to change!!! Beautiful!

Love it!

Black and white pics are one of my favs.

Felt like we were in the mountains!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Busy Week and Bad News....

Sorry it has taken me so long to post but this week has been so busy. I'm thankful for that though because it has kept my mind off of things. First of all, af showed up on her own Thursday! SO SAD! So I went ahead and scheduled my base line ultrasound for Friday so we could go ahead and get the new cycle started. Well, the ultrasound showed that I had 3 BIG cysts on my ovaries which knocks us out of trying this month. I thought i would be devastated but actually I think I'm getting use to the negative tests. Sad, I know, but I am thankful that af showed up instead of having to wait anxiously on a phone call for the bad news. I keep telling myself that it will all happen in God's perfect timing! And i know it will.

On a happy note, DH had another SA done because it had been over a year since his last test and it came back ABOVE normal. Yea he had the "big head" all day bragging to me about his "Super Sperm"! Men are so proud. His numbers were 106 million with 65% motility. They say that average numbers should be above 30 million and 40% motility. So yay for some kind of good news.

On Saturday DH and I decided to go to a state park near us and take some pics using my new camera. We had so much fun spending the day together. He is such a sweetheart. My computer is not cooperating so i will have to post those pics later.

DH and I talked about our plans about having to take a break from the ART program and we decided to wait until after the first of the year to go back. I am going to attempt to lose some weight and hope that helps things along. Until next time!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pregesterone Check....

I went for my progesterone check yesterday and got GREAT results. They usually say that they like your numbers to be over 15 to show that you have a great ovulation. Well mine were OVER 40!!!! YAY! They didn't tell me an exact number, just over 40. She said that means I had a GREAT ovulation. Although this doesn't mean anything else (like im pregnant) it is still good news. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!! Next Friday is my blood pregnancy test!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IUI #1....Swim little guys SWIM!!!!

We went to the doctor Sunday but our ultrasound showed that our follicles were not mature yet. They said to do our shots for one more night and come back for another ultrasound the next day. Well about 2 hours later they called back with my bloodwork and said that my E2 levels were 1400 which was great so they wanted me to "coast" and not do my shots Sunday night and still come in for another ultrasound Monday. Well Mondays ultrasound went great. We had 4 mature follicles, 1 almost mature, and several smaller ones. The 4 mature measured 20, 19, 17, and 17. They said that the two 17's would me mature to 18 by the time i ovulate. Then our nearly mature egg was 16mm and the smaller ones were about 13 and lower.

So Dustin gave me m trigger shot Monday night and I had my IUI today (Wednesday). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Didn't hurt a bit and only took like 5 minutes. I had to lay there with a pillow under my hips for 15 minutes and I was good to go. Now I'm just praying that God blesses us with a miracle! PLEASE....Cross your fingers and say a little pray for us!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I've been so busy today. My sweet cousin's baby shower is next weekend and I made a diaper cake and a diaper wreath for her today. I love doing crafts. The wreath is not finished yet. I still have to find a stuffed frog to lay across the bottom. I hope she likes it!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

And The Results Are.....Inconclusive

Yep, you read that right. I had the post coital test done today and the results were inconclusive because I was not close enough to ovulation to get an accurate result. She went ahead and done the test just for fun and said that the results were about half and half. Some of the sperm were still swimming around desperately and some were motionless. She said that I have to be within a day or two of ovulation for my cervical mucus to be fertile and not hostile for the sperm. Also, my ultrasound showed several growing follicles, but the largest was only 1.3cm. She said they have to be at least 1.8cm before they are considered mature. So the plans are for me to keep using my shots for 3 more nights and go for another ultrasound Sunday morning at 8am. She said that we can do another post coital test if we want Sunday, but now we are thinking about just going ahead and doing the IUI without worrying about doing another test. We haven't made up our minds for sure yet. We are going to discuss and pray about for the next couple of days.

A sweet blogger friend reminded me today that we shouldn't get caught up in our own "wants" during the IF process or any other part of life. We need to include God in our choices and let him make the final decisions. We want to follow God's will for our family and not our own. Thanks "Sara" for this awesome reminder.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Don't Think I Did That Right......

Well my first couple of nights of shots went great. It took me a minute to refresh my memory about how to prep the pen and where to give the shots (It's been nearly 3 months since our last injectables). So after a couple of nights of doing the shot I was beginning to think "Oh, I'm a pro at this now. No directions needed. Just pinch the skin and jab". Well when I got up Monday morning to take my shower I discovered this..........

HOLY COW!!! These tiny needles have NEVER even made a mark on me but this one sure did. I must have done something totally WRONG. The funny thing is that the bruise was worse than this. I took this pic today (2 days later). Hopefully this didn't affect the medicine. I have my post coital test in the morning so I'm going to double check with the nurse about whether this would affect the medicine when injected.

The funny thing is that I was going to try and pull the "sympathy" card on my hubby. So when I showed him my bruise his comment was, "DANG....I don't think you did that right!" and then he continued playing on the internet. LOL.....I had to giggle at that comment though. There wasn't a bit of sympathy and when I tried to pretend that it hurt, he said "well, it does look nasty". Haha. Just like a guy. The good thing about it though, was that it didn't really hurt!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Giuliana and Bill are BACK.....

I am so excited that Giuliana and Bill have returned. This time they are sharing their journey through IVF (This is where doctors fertilize the egg in a lab dish and place the egg back into the woman). On the last episode they found out that the IVF worked and Giuliana is pregnant. This is so exciting.

But on a sad note, I was googling a show called "The View" and saw where Giuliana and Bill were on this talk show a few weeks ago. Come to find out they were talking about how this IVF cycle that they got pregnant with, ended in a miscarriage. Here is a clip from the interview. (Make sure to press the pause button on the blogs's about 1/3 of the way down the page on the right side).

This breaks my heart. A year ago, I never really thought a whole lot about someone who had a miscarriage. I mean, it was sad, but i never really understood how difficult it really is (until we experienced it ourselves). So when I saw Giuliana talking about their miscarriage, I just wanted to reach out and hug her. You can tell that it is hard for her to discuss and I totally understand. I just pray that they understand that God has a reason for that happening and I hope they both stay strong and not give up. It's sad, but this show is kind of a therapy for me!!!! I can totally feel the emotions she is going through and I love being able to relate to someone else and not feel like i am the only one going through this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here We Go Again......

Well af showed up yesterday which marks the beginning of our 2nd cycle on injectables. I have to go for my blood work and base line ultrasound Friday. Since I have to order my medication through Caremark and get it shipped to me, I had to call the nurse today and get her to call in my medication in advance. Most of the time they do not want to call in your meds before you have your baseline ultrasound because they want to make sure you don't have any cysts that would interfere with the shots. But, this month I am having to wait until CD 4 to get my ultrasound done because i can't take off work right now so i have to make all of my appointments at 7 am and friday was the only time they had available then. But, when I called the nurse she told me that the doc had changed my brand of injectables to Follistem instead of Gonal-f. I'm still not really sure why, but the nurse said that they have more success with follistem and I stimulated so well last month that they wanted to lower my dosage to 50 iui to minimize the chance of multiples. I had 4 mature eggs last time!!!! Wow...I could not imagine 4 babies, so I am kind of relieved that she lowered it. I would be extatic if we had twins. I would even be ok if we had triplets. (Shocked but still sane). But quads??? I would have passed out. But in the end I will be happy with whatever God blesses us with. He will never give us more than we can handle. Even though in my mind I could not handle 4 infants at one time! Lol!!!

Keeping our fingers crossed that this will be our month!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's been a WHILE!!!!!

It has been a VERY long time since I have blogged. The reason, mainly, is that nothing interesting has happened. We have had our first cycle on injectables, but unfortunatally it was a bust. Since then I've had a SIS and a hysteroscopy done. A SIS is basically where the doctor injects saline into your uterus and does a ultrasound at the same time to see if they see any signs of polyps. Knowing my luck, the doctor couldn't tell if I had a polyp or not. There was a very thick spot but she couldn't determine what it was. So, I had to have a hysteroscopy done. A hysteroscopy is where you are put to sleep and the doctors dilate your cervix and insert a camera into your uterus and visually look for polyps. Thankfully the doctor didn't find anything. She did decide to go ahead and do a d&c on me because my uterine lining has been extremely thick here lately and she wanted to get everything cleaned out and sent to pathology to make sure I didn't have any abnoralities in my tissue, which there wasn't! Another answered prayer. That was done on Aug. 27 so this week makes about 6 weeks since my surgery and I still haven't started my period. No I'm not pregnant. I called the doc yesterday and she said that they will give me a progesterone shot to induce my period again.

We are going to give it another try on the injectables, but this time the doc suggested us do a postcoital test. This is where they swab your cervix within 8 hours of intercourse to see if my body is fighting off my hubby's sperm. If for some reason this is the case, our next step would be to go straight to IUI. That is where the docs insert the sperm into me through a catheter bypassing my cervical fluid which could be attacking his sperm. But, right now we are not sure if this is the case. Just going to wait and see.

Right now all we can do is wait. Wait for my shot Friday, wait for af to show, wait for our test to be done, and then wait for our results. Wow, I'm really getting tired of all this WAITING!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy/ Sad Day

Yesterday was DH and I's 3 year anniversary so I took another preg test just to see and of course, it was negative. This just ruined my day. I DREAMED of how it would be to find out that we were pregnant on our anniversary and when those dreams didn't come true, I was crushed! It was so hard to hold my emotions back. This month has been VERY stressful, not only for me but DH as well. He is such a sweetheart though. He knew how stressful this month had been so he bought me a gift card to the spa to get a message! How sweet is that! I Love Him so much!
Then today.....AF SHOWED UP! I still had hope that the test was still wrong yesterday but today gave me proof that the test was RIGHT! I thought knowing what was going on with my body would lessen the stress that IF causes but in real life, it makes it worse. Mainly because you know that everything went right but you still didn't end up pregnant. Then your mind starts running through the "What went wrongs?". Oh well, I guess the is no way to have a stress free month when ttc!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Patience? Never heard of

I've always been good at being patient but I have learned that when it comes to taking a pregnancy test, I am NOT patient at all! It just seems like the days go by so SLOW!!! I have already taken 2 pregnancy tests and I'm only 12 days past trigger shot! But both came back negative! I know it's still early but it has gotten me down. I have a bad feeling that even though EVERYTHING went perfect this month, it just didn't work this time! I know I shouldn't be so negative but I guess that is just my way of protecting myself from being TOO HURT if it really didn't work! I've promised myself that I am not going to take another test and wait and see if my period shows up. She is due friday so I'm praying that she don't come!!!!

Progesterone Check

Tuesday the 15th I had to get my progesterone checked. The doc wanted it to be above 15 and she said if it wasn't I would have to take progesterone suppositories again. YUCK! I did not want to do that again. But good news is that it came back at 29.4! Very good. This doesn't mean much. It just means that I successfully ovulated and that my progesterone is high enough to sustain a pregnancy if it were to happen. Things are looking good, but i'm not getting my hopes up!

Monday, June 14, 2010

+ OPK and Ultrasound

The RE said to use a opk on CD 12 and if ANY line came up on the test side is considered a positive to them. Well, I don't think I have ever had a test that didn't have a line. So just what I thought, on day 12 I took a test and like usual there was a faint line. DH and I discussed whether I should call or just wait another night. I didn't want to go in and it be WAY too early, but DH reminded me that it's better to be early then too late so I went ahead and called. You have to leave a message at the doc office stating your positive surge and every bit of information that you can think of on an answering machine. Lol!
At 6:30am the next day they called and asked me what time I wanted to get my ultrasound done. If you don't know me personally, I will go ahead and tell you that I am NOT a early bird. So I kind of pushed the time as far as I could and said is 8:45 too late? She said that was fine and I was happy because I could get another hour of sleep!!!
When I went for the ultrasound I told the nurse that I wasn't sure if I came too early or not but I DID get a line on my opk. She was super sweet and said the same thing DH did (better early than late). As soon as she started the ultrasound she said "WOW you have some big follicles! That's great!". I started getting excited! She said that she wanted to measure my uterine lining before measuring the follicles. She said that WANT at least a .8 thickness and I was a whopping 1.2! AWESOME! Then she said that a mature follicle was at least 1.8cm and I had 6 growing follicles in all. The first was 2.2cm (MATURE), the next was 1.74 (VERY CLOSE TO MATURE), and the last 4 were 1.5 and below (NOT MATURE ENOUGH). So the nurse was VERY excited and said that I came in just in time and I can get my HCG trigger shot. She said the trigger shot will mature the eggs a little more so I will have probably 2 mature by the time ovulation occurs! YAY!!!
So we made love for the next 3 days and now we WAIT!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Starting Clomid

I got my results that evening and the doc didn't seem too concerned about the numerous number of follicles that I had. He didn't want me to take any additional meds so he gave me the go ahead to start the clomid. The only thing that I thought was different was that she wanted me to start taking the meds on CD 5-9 instead of what my gyn had me on CD 3-7. I'm excited to back in the ttc journey! My RE said that on CD 12 i need to start opk testing and if I get ANY line to call and schedule an appointment for an ultrasound to see if I have any matures follicles. And if I do she will give me a shot of HCG which will make me ovulate within 48 hours and hopefully increasing our chance of catching that little egg. I'm feel so calm this month because im not having to guess at what is going on! I'm loving getting to get ultrasounds and find out what is going on throughout the month instead of just guessing! Please say a prayer that this will be our month!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Af came 7 days early!!!! YAY!

Af showed up on May 27! It only took af 7 days to come instead of the 14. Wow that was such a relief. I called that day and scheduled my bloodwork and baseline ultrasound for the next morning. After I got off the phone the realization that I am going to have to have a vaginal ultrasound done on CD 2 of my period really grossed me out. If the ultrasound doesn't make you uncomfortable enough lets just add you heaviest day of your cycle to it!!! Oh well I guess if that's what I have to do to make our dreams come true then it is totally worth it.

Well as soon as I came into the office they wanted me to go ahead and get the ultrasound done before the bloodwork. Well as soon as it began the nurse said, "Wow, you have got a very thick lining in your uterus which means that you are going to have a VERY heavy period this month"!! Well that was not what I wanted to hear! Lol! They she went on to check my ovaries for cysts. Well good news was that I didn't have any large cysts that would prevent me from starting my meds BUT I did have about 20 small cysts (which are immature eggs) on EACH side of my ovaries! WOW 40 immature eggs!!! She told me that that was a pretty sure sign of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which means that each month my body tries to mature ALL of those eggs instead of just ONE which explains why I do not ovulate because there is not enough hormones to mature ALL of them. She said that she would let the doc check the pics and see if they want to put me on glucophage or not.

Then they took my bloodwork and said that they would call that afternoon with the results. Again, I'm loving the same day results thing!!!!

First of many RE Visits

On May 20 I went to the RE to get some bloodwork done and a progesterone oil shot in order to get my period going again. The nurse said that it could take 2-14 days for af to show up. WHAT??? I chose to go for the shot instead of taking the pills in hopes that the shot will bring on af sooner. But 14 DAYS!!! I didn't want to wait that long. They asked me if I had eaten anything that day yet which I hadn't. I'm not a huge breakfast fan so it is not unusual for me not to eat breakfast. Now the other two meals, that's another story! Lol! Anyways, because I hadn't eaten they decided to go ahead and do my fasting test again. The insulin leaves came back a little elevated when they took it the first time when I was pregnant so they wanted to check it again. After the visit they told me that I would get all my results back that afternoon! SAME DAY RESULTS!!!! I'm loving this place already! By around 2 or 3 they called and said that all my bloodwork came back fine and my insulin levels were back to normal. Such a relief! They said to call and schedule more bloodwork and a baseline ultasound as soon as af started!

I truly believe my stress level has decreased a ton just by seeing the aggressive monitoring the RE does. I'm excited to get started. Let's just hope I'm not the lucky few that has to wait the entire 14 days for af to show up!

Needing some Blog-Therapy

A lot has happened withing the last 2 months which is why I am in serious need to blog and let some of my feeling and worry's flood out on this page. In April DH and I decided to begin the ttc journey again. As of Apri, I had only had one period since January and that was because the doc proscribed provera. DH and I discussed our option on whether to go back to our gyn or start back with our RE, whether to stay with clomid or move on to injectables, but one question we didn't have to discuss was whether we were ready to start trying again. We longed for another baby so bad that it hurt. We would have started trying again a month after if our doc would have let us. But I'm glad he didn't. We needed that time to mourn our loss more than we knew.

After several discussions we decided to stay with our gyn and to stay with clomid. Mainly the clomid because of financial costs and the hope that it will work again. DH told me that he just didn't feel like he wanted to go back to the RE just yet. So we stuck with the gyn but we soon found out that it wasn't worth it. I got a little aggrivated at my doc because he started me back at the VERY beginning. He gave me 50mg of clomid to take which I knew wouldn't work because neither the 50mg or the 100mg even worked last time. Which he might have to do that with that drug but it still aggrivated me. He could have discussed it with me. Then when it came time to get blood work results on day 21 the nurses kept giving me the run around. I would leave a message with the nurse and she wouldn't call me back. It took three days to finally get my results which confirmed that the 50mg did NOT work. I was so frustrated that I told DH that I didn't want to go back to them.

DH prayed about and came to me one day and said that he was ready to go back to the RE. He knew how much the gyn had stressed me out. The whole month is nothing but a guessing game because they do absolutely no monitoring except CD21 bloodwork. I explained to DH that just because we go to the RE doesn't mean that we have to jump straight to injectables. We can still do the clomid but have them do more monitring so that we have a clearer idea of what is going on during the month. So at the middle of May I called the RE and set up and appointment.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Taking A Break

I've thought about it all weekend and decided that I am going to take a break from blogging for a few weeks. Not completely, just for a little bit. I have a lot going on right now and it's hard to find the time to blog. I'm still in my 2 week wait so there really isn't anything to blog about right now anyways. DH and I have decided that we are not going to tell anyone when we get pregnant until we are further along next time and it would be kind of hard to blog and not spill any beans. So with that, I think we are going to turn our IF blog into a family blog whenever that happens. I mainly wanted this blog to express our emotions and the processes we are going through to our family members and friends and I feel like everyone knows what is going on now, so I feel the blog has done it's job. It may be a few weeks or longer before I blog again (just according to when or if we conceive again). I want to thank all my blog readers and blog friends for all the support yall have given me. It has helped me more that yall will ever know. Please keep us in your prayers! Until next time!

P.S. I am still going to follow my blog friends so don't think I'm abandoning you!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

+ OPK......Yay!

Today is CD 18! Last night and this morning I got a +opk! YAY! You can guess what happens now! Time to get busy!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Camping Trip and Update

Dustin and I decided to get away and go camping this weekend. It was such a beautiful weekend and we really enjoyed getting away and having alone time. With our work schedules and me finishing school, we hardly have time together. We usually sleep in a tent when we go camping but we decided to try something different this time so we slept in the back of the truck in the camper. It really wasn't as bad as it sounds. We got a lot of laughs out of it. I love getting out and "roughing it". We went fishing, built a campfire, and played with the pups. They even enjoyed getting out of the house. Here are some pics!Dustin's little fish he caught! The fish weren't biting! The water was way too rough!

Poor Lexi fell into the water! She got a little to close to the edge! Let's just say she didn't get on the edge again! Lol!

My sweet Ali! She looks so LONG in this pic!

Our pitiful bed! It's not much but it was fun!

Dustin telling "Indian Stories" around the campfire! So funny!

I have prissy pups! They didn't like being on the ground. They wanted their own chair!

Update: Today is CD17. I have a feeling this month is going to be a bust. No +opk which means that I haven't ovulated yet. I'm not giving up yet but I'm not getting my hopes up either. Oh well, I didn't expect much since we were trying a natural cycle this month.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We Have Our Own LINGO...

I have to admit that when I started researching chat boards and blogs about infertility, it was like I was introduced to a whole new language. It took me forever just to understand ALL of the abbreviations for words. That is when "google" became my best friend. I have jotted down a few of the more common abbreviations that I use from time to time. Mainly I want to share it with you because after nearly a year of reading these blogs and chat boards I have picked up on a few of the abbreviations and use them without even realizing it. I know all of my IF blog friends are more than familiar with these terms, but for my family and friends who are clueless to what I am saying sometimes, I am going to give you a key to our secret language. LOL!

AF - Aunt flow, menstrual cycle
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)
BFP- Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
BPN - Big Fat Negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD- Cycle Day (Starts from the 1st day of period)
CM - Cervical Mucous
DH - Dear husband
EDD - Expected Due date
HPT - home pregnancy test
O - Ovulation
OB - obstetrician
OPK - Ovulation prediction kit
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
TTC - trying to conceive
US - ultrasound

Today is CD 10 for me. Yay! WARNING....TMI...LOL..Our doctor told us to bd every other night so you might as well say that the spontaneous, exciting love making is out the window. It is now a scheduled event on our calender! But we are willing to do whatever it takes so it is all worth it! I am using opk's to try and pin-point O. Opk's are very unpredictable but I decided to try them again anyways. Last time I couldn't read the results clearly so it was hard to tell when or if O had occurred. Hopefully I will have better luck with them this time! Thanks for listening to me spill about our ttc journey! It really helps me a lot. I will try and keep updating at least once a week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Being Creative....

One of my favorite things to do is scrapbook, but here lately I just haven't had time. So the other day we planned a baby shower for the optometrist that I work for and I decided that I wanted to be CREATIVE. Since I haven't had time to be creative with scrapbooking in a while I decided to be creative with a baby shower gift. So instead of just giving them a pack of diapers, I wanted to make it a diaper cake. I've seen them several times at a baby shower and they didn't seem too hard to make. So I looked to my best buddy "google". And, to my surprise, there was several websites that gave step-by-step directions as to how to make one. I changed a few things about it just to add my own touch, but I was very happy with the way it turned out.