Sunday, March 21, 2010

We Have Our Own LINGO...

I have to admit that when I started researching chat boards and blogs about infertility, it was like I was introduced to a whole new language. It took me forever just to understand ALL of the abbreviations for words. That is when "google" became my best friend. I have jotted down a few of the more common abbreviations that I use from time to time. Mainly I want to share it with you because after nearly a year of reading these blogs and chat boards I have picked up on a few of the abbreviations and use them without even realizing it. I know all of my IF blog friends are more than familiar with these terms, but for my family and friends who are clueless to what I am saying sometimes, I am going to give you a key to our secret language. LOL!

AF - Aunt flow, menstrual cycle
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)
BFP- Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
BPN - Big Fat Negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD- Cycle Day (Starts from the 1st day of period)
CM - Cervical Mucous
DH - Dear husband
EDD - Expected Due date
HPT - home pregnancy test
O - Ovulation
OB - obstetrician
OPK - Ovulation prediction kit
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
TTC - trying to conceive
US - ultrasound

Today is CD 10 for me. Yay! WARNING....TMI...LOL..Our doctor told us to bd every other night so you might as well say that the spontaneous, exciting love making is out the window. It is now a scheduled event on our calender! But we are willing to do whatever it takes so it is all worth it! I am using opk's to try and pin-point O. Opk's are very unpredictable but I decided to try them again anyways. Last time I couldn't read the results clearly so it was hard to tell when or if O had occurred. Hopefully I will have better luck with them this time! Thanks for listening to me spill about our ttc journey! It really helps me a lot. I will try and keep updating at least once a week!


  1. Girl, I have saw all those abbreviations and never knew what some of them Thanks for explaining it to me. I'm glad you are back on your journey to TTC. I wish you the BEST of luck. I love to read your bloggs.. :) Katie

  2. Yay for CD 10!! I really hope this is your month!! :-)
