Thursday, December 30, 2010

Apparently, Regular is NOT a word that my body understands...

Well as you know, we have been ttc the good old fashion way since the end of November. Well af was due on Dec. 18 but she never showed. DH and I couldn't stand it anymore so I took a pregnancy test on Christmas Eve. And NO we didn't get the Christmas present that we REALLY wanted. It was negative. Af still hadn't showed up, which did not surprise me at all. But this week I have been spotting a little. Not sure what is going on. Who knows with my crazy body. I will spot one day and nothing the next. This has been going on for 5 days now. So, I've come to the conclusion that my body doesn't know what the definition to REGULAR is. I had to laugh at DH though. I told him the other day that i thought af was coming and he said "It shows up just out of nowhere?". Lol.....yep hun. That is the story of my life. Never know when or where so you have to always be prepared! Haha!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One year ago today......

***originally blogged on 12/14/2010***

Well, one year ago today was one of the happiest days of our lives. On December 14, 2009 we found out that we were pregnant with our sweet little "angel" baby. Although our miracle baby didn't get to stay here on earth with us long, there wasn't anybody that could have loved that baby more than my husband and I. If you want to read my blog about when we got "THE NEWS" then just click HERE. To finish reading how I told DH just click HERE. Those next few weeks was filled with doctor visits and emotional highs and lows. It was the hardest thing that has ever happened to us but we wouldn't have made it to today without the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father.

Although things didn't go the way we wanted and our little baby is now taking care of us from heaven, he or she still impacted us in a way I can't even begin to explain. It's hard to believe that it has been a whole year since that day. Still today i don't know what God's plan is for us or even if children are in HIS plan, but I know that HE knows what is best for us and i trust him completely. We will get to meet you one day "little one"! Until then, the heavenly father is holding you close in his arms away from ALL harm.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another great week....

This weeks weigh in I lost 4.2 lbs!!!!! Yay a total of 9.2 lbs in 2 weeks! Excited is an understatement! Now only 30 more to go. Haha! At this rate I should reach my goal by the end of January and we can start ttc again in February!!!! Yay! This is not something my doctor told us we had to do, it is just something that I think may help out a little. So I might end up giving in and start ttc again mid-January! Who knows!

On another note, Christmas is right around the corner! And as far as Christmas shopping, I am WAY behind. I have only bought 2 gifts and I have a lot more to buy. I guess i need to get busy. I'm not the type that likes to give money or gift cards so I guess I make it a little hard on myself by having to come up with gifts. But, in the end it is fun to see how well you know some people.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not much going on......

Nothing is happening here. We are still on our break from ttc and I am actually enjoying it a little bit. It's good to not have to worry about shots, cycle days, blood work, ultrasounds, follicles, iui's or even 2 week waits. Wow, there really is a lot of time put into infertility and ttc.
On a good note, I weighed in at Bariatric yesterday and in 1 week I have lost 5 POUNDS!!!! YAY!!!!! I'm so excited! This just makes us a little closer to getting back on the ttc train again!!!!