Saturday, October 30, 2010


I've been so busy today. My sweet cousin's baby shower is next weekend and I made a diaper cake and a diaper wreath for her today. I love doing crafts. The wreath is not finished yet. I still have to find a stuffed frog to lay across the bottom. I hope she likes it!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

And The Results Are.....Inconclusive

Yep, you read that right. I had the post coital test done today and the results were inconclusive because I was not close enough to ovulation to get an accurate result. She went ahead and done the test just for fun and said that the results were about half and half. Some of the sperm were still swimming around desperately and some were motionless. She said that I have to be within a day or two of ovulation for my cervical mucus to be fertile and not hostile for the sperm. Also, my ultrasound showed several growing follicles, but the largest was only 1.3cm. She said they have to be at least 1.8cm before they are considered mature. So the plans are for me to keep using my shots for 3 more nights and go for another ultrasound Sunday morning at 8am. She said that we can do another post coital test if we want Sunday, but now we are thinking about just going ahead and doing the IUI without worrying about doing another test. We haven't made up our minds for sure yet. We are going to discuss and pray about for the next couple of days.

A sweet blogger friend reminded me today that we shouldn't get caught up in our own "wants" during the IF process or any other part of life. We need to include God in our choices and let him make the final decisions. We want to follow God's will for our family and not our own. Thanks "Sara" for this awesome reminder.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Don't Think I Did That Right......

Well my first couple of nights of shots went great. It took me a minute to refresh my memory about how to prep the pen and where to give the shots (It's been nearly 3 months since our last injectables). So after a couple of nights of doing the shot I was beginning to think "Oh, I'm a pro at this now. No directions needed. Just pinch the skin and jab". Well when I got up Monday morning to take my shower I discovered this..........

HOLY COW!!! These tiny needles have NEVER even made a mark on me but this one sure did. I must have done something totally WRONG. The funny thing is that the bruise was worse than this. I took this pic today (2 days later). Hopefully this didn't affect the medicine. I have my post coital test in the morning so I'm going to double check with the nurse about whether this would affect the medicine when injected.

The funny thing is that I was going to try and pull the "sympathy" card on my hubby. So when I showed him my bruise his comment was, "DANG....I don't think you did that right!" and then he continued playing on the internet. LOL.....I had to giggle at that comment though. There wasn't a bit of sympathy and when I tried to pretend that it hurt, he said "well, it does look nasty". Haha. Just like a guy. The good thing about it though, was that it didn't really hurt!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Giuliana and Bill are BACK.....

I am so excited that Giuliana and Bill have returned. This time they are sharing their journey through IVF (This is where doctors fertilize the egg in a lab dish and place the egg back into the woman). On the last episode they found out that the IVF worked and Giuliana is pregnant. This is so exciting.

But on a sad note, I was googling a show called "The View" and saw where Giuliana and Bill were on this talk show a few weeks ago. Come to find out they were talking about how this IVF cycle that they got pregnant with, ended in a miscarriage. Here is a clip from the interview. (Make sure to press the pause button on the blogs's about 1/3 of the way down the page on the right side).

This breaks my heart. A year ago, I never really thought a whole lot about someone who had a miscarriage. I mean, it was sad, but i never really understood how difficult it really is (until we experienced it ourselves). So when I saw Giuliana talking about their miscarriage, I just wanted to reach out and hug her. You can tell that it is hard for her to discuss and I totally understand. I just pray that they understand that God has a reason for that happening and I hope they both stay strong and not give up. It's sad, but this show is kind of a therapy for me!!!! I can totally feel the emotions she is going through and I love being able to relate to someone else and not feel like i am the only one going through this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here We Go Again......

Well af showed up yesterday which marks the beginning of our 2nd cycle on injectables. I have to go for my blood work and base line ultrasound Friday. Since I have to order my medication through Caremark and get it shipped to me, I had to call the nurse today and get her to call in my medication in advance. Most of the time they do not want to call in your meds before you have your baseline ultrasound because they want to make sure you don't have any cysts that would interfere with the shots. But, this month I am having to wait until CD 4 to get my ultrasound done because i can't take off work right now so i have to make all of my appointments at 7 am and friday was the only time they had available then. But, when I called the nurse she told me that the doc had changed my brand of injectables to Follistem instead of Gonal-f. I'm still not really sure why, but the nurse said that they have more success with follistem and I stimulated so well last month that they wanted to lower my dosage to 50 iui to minimize the chance of multiples. I had 4 mature eggs last time!!!! Wow...I could not imagine 4 babies, so I am kind of relieved that she lowered it. I would be extatic if we had twins. I would even be ok if we had triplets. (Shocked but still sane). But quads??? I would have passed out. But in the end I will be happy with whatever God blesses us with. He will never give us more than we can handle. Even though in my mind I could not handle 4 infants at one time! Lol!!!

Keeping our fingers crossed that this will be our month!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's been a WHILE!!!!!

It has been a VERY long time since I have blogged. The reason, mainly, is that nothing interesting has happened. We have had our first cycle on injectables, but unfortunatally it was a bust. Since then I've had a SIS and a hysteroscopy done. A SIS is basically where the doctor injects saline into your uterus and does a ultrasound at the same time to see if they see any signs of polyps. Knowing my luck, the doctor couldn't tell if I had a polyp or not. There was a very thick spot but she couldn't determine what it was. So, I had to have a hysteroscopy done. A hysteroscopy is where you are put to sleep and the doctors dilate your cervix and insert a camera into your uterus and visually look for polyps. Thankfully the doctor didn't find anything. She did decide to go ahead and do a d&c on me because my uterine lining has been extremely thick here lately and she wanted to get everything cleaned out and sent to pathology to make sure I didn't have any abnoralities in my tissue, which there wasn't! Another answered prayer. That was done on Aug. 27 so this week makes about 6 weeks since my surgery and I still haven't started my period. No I'm not pregnant. I called the doc yesterday and she said that they will give me a progesterone shot to induce my period again.

We are going to give it another try on the injectables, but this time the doc suggested us do a postcoital test. This is where they swab your cervix within 8 hours of intercourse to see if my body is fighting off my hubby's sperm. If for some reason this is the case, our next step would be to go straight to IUI. That is where the docs insert the sperm into me through a catheter bypassing my cervical fluid which could be attacking his sperm. But, right now we are not sure if this is the case. Just going to wait and see.

Right now all we can do is wait. Wait for my shot Friday, wait for af to show, wait for our test to be done, and then wait for our results. Wow, I'm really getting tired of all this WAITING!!!