Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Don't Think I Did That Right......

Well my first couple of nights of shots went great. It took me a minute to refresh my memory about how to prep the pen and where to give the shots (It's been nearly 3 months since our last injectables). So after a couple of nights of doing the shot I was beginning to think "Oh, I'm a pro at this now. No directions needed. Just pinch the skin and jab". Well when I got up Monday morning to take my shower I discovered this..........

HOLY COW!!! These tiny needles have NEVER even made a mark on me but this one sure did. I must have done something totally WRONG. The funny thing is that the bruise was worse than this. I took this pic today (2 days later). Hopefully this didn't affect the medicine. I have my post coital test in the morning so I'm going to double check with the nurse about whether this would affect the medicine when injected.

The funny thing is that I was going to try and pull the "sympathy" card on my hubby. So when I showed him my bruise his comment was, "DANG....I don't think you did that right!" and then he continued playing on the internet. LOL.....I had to giggle at that comment though. There wasn't a bit of sympathy and when I tried to pretend that it hurt, he said "well, it does look nasty". Haha. Just like a guy. The good thing about it though, was that it didn't really hurt!


  1. Girl, that looks painful. Im not taking the injectables, but I am taking the insulin shots and sometime my stomach brusies up like that as well. I hope this time you get your miricle baby. Love ya.

  2. When I did the shots the first time I did them on my thighs... I had sooo many bruises! I went to the stomach and had less of a problem! Maybe you his a blood vessel? I'm sure you didn't do it wrong... they make it very difficult to do so :) Good luck this cycle!
