Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beta #2......

My prayers are answered AGAIN!!! Beta #2=163. YAY!!!! Baby seems to be growing good by my hcg numbers! We won't get to see our little peanut for another 1-2 weeks on an ultrasound to make sure he/she is physically doing good. According to my calculations from my period, I am 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant! Yay! My progesterone was 24.3 this time and my RE said that she likes it at 25 so she has upped my progesterone to 3 times a day! Yuck. I HATE doing the vaginal pills, but I will do it a million times a day to keep little peanut healthy! DH and I were hesitant about getting too attached to the baby right now seeing that i am VERY early and fears that the past will repeat itself, but I think we BOTH failed at this! We have been thinking of baby names and planning out the nursery ALREADY! Haha.....there is NO DOUBT that this baby is already extremely LOVED!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Honey......WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!

Well it's hard to surprise your husband when he KNOWS your getting a pregnancy test done that day, but I was bound and determined that I was NOT going to tell him over the phone. Since I don't get off work until 5:00pm I had to tell a few little white lies. DH had text me SEVERAL times throughout the day asking me if the doc office had called me yet. Everytime i would act like i haven't heard from them and I even acted very mad several times. I told DH that I was going to change dr offices if they don't know how to call their patients!!! OK...I know I went a little far with that lie but i had to make it believable!!! LOL! Anyways, when I got off work I called DH and told him that I left several messages at the dr's office but no one would call me back (another lie). God please forgive me for being such a liar!!! After i got off the phone with DH i ran by a baby boutique called Baby Talk and go a book called "1001 things it means to be a DAD". I got home I came in like usual and loved on the pups and fed them. DH was in the recliner playing on the laptop and I laid the book on his lap. He picked it up and read it and a HUGE smile came on his face and he said "YOU CRAZY THING.......I KNEW IT" That smile was worth a million dollars!!! DH claims he already knew we were pregnant because I had already showed signs! He said i had been hungrier than normal and much more moody! HAHA! The sad thing is I really have been moody! Lol. Anyways, I videoed telling DH and it SHOULD be at the bottom of the post!!!!

On Wednesday we decided to tell Dustin's parents. They live about and hour away so we decided to just tell them on skype. We showed them the book that I got DH in hopes that they would catch on that DH was going to be a daddy. Needless to say it took them a few minutes but they were EXTATIC when they realized what we were telling them.
Then, Thursday night we decided to invite my parents over for supper. They only live about 5 minutes away, but we had to wait until Thurdsay because my parents work different shifts and we had to pick a day that they would both be off. Well I kept quit throughout super but my mom started asking questions when we were cleaning up the kitchen. EVERYONE thought we were not going to the doctor until Friday so my mom was asking me what time my appointment was in the morning and have i took a home pregnancy test. Of course i had to lie AGAIN!!! After changing the subject quickly we all sat down in the livingroom to watch tv. i snuck off and got a onesie that I bought to surprise them with. It says "When God make ME he was just showing off!!" TOO CUTE! I walked in and told everyone that the onesie doesn't fit now, but in 8 more months it will! My brother and dad knew exactly what I was saying. My mom was clueless. She read the onesie and said isn't that cute! I had to REPEAT myself slowly until she got what i was saying! After she calmed down from the excitement she said "I thought you weren't going until tomorrow?" I told well.....I lied!!!!! She wasn't mad though!


Beta #1= 36........

YES you read that right!!! WE ARE PREGNANT!!! It's a very low (early) number BUT it's still positive!!! YAY!! We are BEYONG excited! ALL the praise goes to GOD who is the one and only person who made this happen! Thank you God for our MIRACLE!!!!

Ok, now for they whole story how we found out. First, our beta was scheduled for Tuesday the 22nd. So impatient me decides to take a home pregnancy test on Monday morning. Well disappointment set in. It was negative! I was broken hearted! So when Tuesday came and i went to the RE's office i told them that the test was negative the day before so i'm not getting my hopes up. The all said they were sorry and started talking about getting ready for the next cycle of ttc. Also that day I had a video conference with my doc. We went over the next steps we would do and she talked about how we were now in the "unexplained infertility" category and how she will only let us do 2-3 more IUI cycles until having to move forward with IVF. I was sad because IVF= about $9-10,000. Yea we don't have that much money. But she also told me to stay positive and that just because my home test was negative doesn't mean anything. Well I didn't want to get my hopes up so I just said ok.

Well long about 2:30 I'm sitting at work and look down and i have a voice mail from a number I don't know. I listen to the voicemail and it is the nurse practitioner from the branch office where i live (the one who actually did my IUI). She wanted me to call her back on her cell phone. Ok by this time my heart is RACING!! I couldn't dial the numbers in fast enough. When she answered she told me that she had a patient right in front of her and could she call me right back in 2 minutes. So while I waited those 2 LONG minutes I was PRAYING HARD. "Please God let this be good news". Well as soon as i answered the phone she said "I just looked over your lab results and YOUR PREGNANT!!!" Of course i was doing the usual "Your kidding? ME? Are your sure you have the right person?" She said YES YOU!!! Your beta is 36!! She said i was so early in the pregnancy that the home test couldn't pick it up! THANK YOU GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!!!! Also she said my vitamin D was low so now I have to take supplements. But hey I will do anything for this miracle!!! I go back next tuesday for my beta # 2. Please keep us in your prayers!!!

I will post how i told DH and the family later tonight or tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

IUI #2....and a learning experience

Well today was our second IUI and it went great. At the "branch" office that we go to they are unable to do "counts" with the sperm but she said that everything looked great and motility looked perfect. DH was able to go with me this time and I really liked having him there. It kind of made things feel a little more personal and not so much like a sterile dr's office situation.

The learning experience of this trip was for DH. The nurse let him take a look at my "open cervix" which just indicates that ovulation is close. He was very amused. LOL. Also he got to take a look at his "little men". The nurse still had some of his sperm left on a slide and we got to go check them out under the microscope. Needless to say, DH was proud of little soldiers!

Just keep us in your prayers that this will be our miracle baby! It's all in God's hands!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hopefully, Lucky number ONE.....

I had my CD10 ultrasound today and I had ONE mature follicle! Yep, only one little booger. only takes ONE to make a baby. So we are hoping and PRAYING that this single, little egg is our miracle that we've been waiting for.

This morning i was kind of sad that i didn't have more than one mature follicle because every other time that we have done injectables I have had 4-5 growing follicles. But after a lot of thought, I like how different this cycle is. Yea it is kind of scary to know that we only have ONE SHOT at it this time but then again I know that God has it all in his hands and no matter if there is one or if there is a hundred, HE is in control. And things will happen in HIS time, not ours.

So the plans are for me to get my trigger shot tonight and insemination Wednesday at 11:30. I am very excited to see what is in store for us. Keep us in your prayers!