Thursday, December 30, 2010

Apparently, Regular is NOT a word that my body understands...

Well as you know, we have been ttc the good old fashion way since the end of November. Well af was due on Dec. 18 but she never showed. DH and I couldn't stand it anymore so I took a pregnancy test on Christmas Eve. And NO we didn't get the Christmas present that we REALLY wanted. It was negative. Af still hadn't showed up, which did not surprise me at all. But this week I have been spotting a little. Not sure what is going on. Who knows with my crazy body. I will spot one day and nothing the next. This has been going on for 5 days now. So, I've come to the conclusion that my body doesn't know what the definition to REGULAR is. I had to laugh at DH though. I told him the other day that i thought af was coming and he said "It shows up just out of nowhere?". Lol.....yep hun. That is the story of my life. Never know when or where so you have to always be prepared! Haha!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, for some reason, I am just now seeing this blog post. I look for you to post everyday so I don't know how I missed it. Anyway, I know how you feel. I am NEVER on time either. I got my period about a month ago and it was BAD. Bled very heavly. Well, I was preparing for it the next day aswell and NOTHING. R U serous? O bled for only 1 day. That was soo crazy.
