Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Is there such a thing as TMI (Too Much Info) if you are talking about infertility? I DON'T THINK SO! First of all infertility consist of ovulating, temping, blookwork, meds, opk's, baby making, hpt's, periods, emotions, and the list goes on. And if that stuff is not tmi, then I don't know what is. If you have ever read any of my IF friend's blogs then you know that I don't share as much "info" as they do, but I probably do share a little too much at times.

I never forewarned my readers that this is mostly a infertility blog and not a family blog. Therefore, there are going to be times when I do share a little too much info. But, I started this blog so that I can talk about what I am going through and express my emotions during these tough times and if it consists of tmi then please just bare with me on that and just overlook it if it makes you uncomfortable. I try to keep all the "really" personal info to a minimum but sometimes it's just hard to explain things that are going on without going into all the details. Especially when your talking about trying to conceive.

So just a heads up, if you haven't already realized it, this blog consists of 75% TMI. That is why I have only shared this blog with family and a couple friends. I just don't want ALL of my facebook friends reading about when I start or every doctors appointment I go to. I'm not ashamed to share my personal life with my FAMILY and trust me, my family doesn't mind sharing their personal matters with us either (even stuff that we would rather NOT know)! LOL! That's one thing that I love about them though. They speak exactly what is on their minds and will ask you any questions they want to know! Especially my aunt! I love you "M"!


  1. Hun, I have learned that there is no such thing as privacy and modesty when it comes to infertility. Once you get poked, prodded, and told when to have sex enough-talking about opk's and menstrual cycles sound like NOTHING! You just be you and if everyone else doesn't like it then they don't have to listen. I personally love being able to relate to your situations and love reading about your faith through all of this. God Bless You Hun!

  2. So glad that you found our blog Diane. And I totally understand about the modesty going out the window! Not fun but totally worth. Just to let you know, I didn't write the tmi post because people didn't like what I was writing. Even though it does sound that way. Opps! I just was unsure about how much detail I was going into and wanted to forewarn everyone because as soon as we get back to trying, details are all I have to write about. Lol. Please let me know as soon as you start your blog. I would love to follow your journey too!
