Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IUI #1....Swim little guys SWIM!!!!

We went to the doctor Sunday but our ultrasound showed that our follicles were not mature yet. They said to do our shots for one more night and come back for another ultrasound the next day. Well about 2 hours later they called back with my bloodwork and said that my E2 levels were 1400 which was great so they wanted me to "coast" and not do my shots Sunday night and still come in for another ultrasound Monday. Well Mondays ultrasound went great. We had 4 mature follicles, 1 almost mature, and several smaller ones. The 4 mature measured 20, 19, 17, and 17. They said that the two 17's would me mature to 18 by the time i ovulate. Then our nearly mature egg was 16mm and the smaller ones were about 13 and lower.

So Dustin gave me m trigger shot Monday night and I had my IUI today (Wednesday). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Didn't hurt a bit and only took like 5 minutes. I had to lay there with a pillow under my hips for 15 minutes and I was good to go. Now I'm just praying that God blesses us with a miracle! PLEASE....Cross your fingers and say a little pray for us!


  1. I am sooooo praying for you girl!!! Good Luck and I love ya!! I just feel this time is your chance. :)

  2. Good luck this cycle!! Hope you get your miracle!
