I got my results that evening and the doc didn't seem too concerned about the numerous number of follicles that I had. He didn't want me to take any additional meds so he gave me the go ahead to start the clomid. The only thing that I thought was different was that she wanted me to start taking the meds on CD 5-9 instead of what my gyn had me on CD 3-7. I'm excited to back in the ttc journey! My RE said that on CD 12 i need to start opk testing and if I get ANY line to call and schedule an appointment for an ultrasound to see if I have any matures follicles. And if I do she will give me a shot of HCG which will make me ovulate within 48 hours and hopefully increasing our chance of catching that little egg. I'm feel so calm this month because im not having to guess at what is going on! I'm loving getting to get ultrasounds and find out what is going on throughout the month instead of just guessing! Please say a prayer that this will be our month!!!!
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