The RE said to use a opk on CD 12 and if ANY line came up on the test side is considered a positive to them. Well, I don't think I have ever had a test that didn't have a line. So just what I thought, on day 12 I took a test and like usual there was a faint line. DH and I discussed whether I should call or just wait another night. I didn't want to go in and it be WAY too early, but DH reminded me that it's better to be early then too late so I went ahead and called. You have to leave a message at the doc office stating your positive surge and every bit of information that you can think of on an answering machine. Lol!
At 6:30am the next day they called and asked me what time I wanted to get my ultrasound done. If you don't know me personally, I will go ahead and tell you that I am NOT a early bird. So I kind of pushed the time as far as I could and said is 8:45 too late? She said that was fine and I was happy because I could get another hour of sleep!!!
When I went for the ultrasound I told the nurse that I wasn't sure if I came too early or not but I DID get a line on my opk. She was super sweet and said the same thing DH did (better early than late). As soon as she started the ultrasound she said "WOW you have some big follicles! That's great!". I started getting excited! She said that she wanted to measure my uterine lining before measuring the follicles. She said that WANT at least a .8 thickness and I was a whopping 1.2! AWESOME! Then she said that a mature follicle was at least 1.8cm and I had 6 growing follicles in all. The first was 2.2cm (MATURE), the next was 1.74 (VERY CLOSE TO MATURE), and the last 4 were 1.5 and below (NOT MATURE ENOUGH). So the nurse was VERY excited and said that I came in just in time and I can get my HCG trigger shot. She said the trigger shot will mature the eggs a little more so I will have probably 2 mature by the time ovulation occurs! YAY!!!
So we made love for the next 3 days and now we WAIT!!!