I know it's been a few weeks and I have been MIA, but I just needed a break and a little time to work through all of our emotions. We are actually doing very good now. God has really given us a peace about our situation and it's amazing how God has been right by our sides throughout this WHOLE time. We are also really BLESSED to have such great friends and family by our sides also. We have received several cards, phone calls, emails, and letters that have really helped us cope with our loss. Of course it hasn't been anywhere near easy, but God and family have made it much easier than it could have been. Thank you all for the prayers and kind words. They all mean a lot to us.
We are just taking it easy and enjoying the many other blessings that we do have. We already have a busy summer starting up with beach trips and family coming down to visit.
Glad you are feeling better and have such supportive family and friends!